Eslpod Learning Guide Pdf Free Download

IMPORTANT Changes to – Please Read

info-553639_1920We want to let you know of some big changes to We have completely redesigned (changed the look and function of) our website. We have also changed how you can listen and read our lessons.


We are very excited to belaunching (starting) our new Select English Membership. We designed the new Select English Membership to be an even better way for you to listen and learn.

As a Select English Member:

  • You can choose any of our 1800+ lessons.
  • Each lesson you choose comes with MP3 audio and PDF Learning Guide files you can download to listen and read anywhere.
  • You can choose from regular podcasts (now called "Daily English" lessons) and English Café episodes (now called "Cultural English" lessons).
  • The choice is yours: You pick only the lessons you want and only on the topics you need.

Get more information about the Select English Membership.

BASIC AND PREMIUM MEMBERS:  Don't worry!  If you like your membership, you can keep it! The main difference will be a new way of downloading your audio and PDF files. To get detailed instructions, go to "How to Log In and Download Basic and Premium Learning Guides."

Have more questions? See our new Frequently Asked Questions page for more details, including questions and answers in 11 different languages. Get help with:

How to Sign Up for a Select English Membership
How to Find and Download Select English Lessons
How to Download Files for English Collections + Special Courses
How to Log In and Download Basic and Premium Learning Guides


We made these changes so that we can still make our lessons available to everyone at a low price.

Please keep in mind that:

  • began over 11 years ago. Since we began offering Basic and Premium Memberships, we have never raised (increased) our prices. At the same time, the number of lessons Premium Members have access to has gone from a few dozen to over 1800. During the same period, our production costs (cost of making podcasts/lessons) have gone up 670%.
  • does not have any advertising on its website, audio lessons, or blog so that you can listen and read without being bothered by ads.
  • does not receive any money from the government or from any other source. We are supported solely (only; completely) through your memberships and donations.
  • Neither nor Jeff (nor Lucy) have ever been paid for endorsements (getting a fee for saying they like or use a product or service) or promotions (activities to increase sales).
  • has never accepted money by partnering with larger companies or organizations that wanted access to our listeners and users. We have never sold our email lists.

We have kept our independence because we wanted the freedom to create the best lessons we could for our listeners. If we had advertisers, sponsors, or partnerships, we would not have complete freedom to do what we know is right and best for the English learners who visit our website and listen to our lessons.

This is why we need listeners like you to become Select English Members. With your membership and your support, we can continue to make our lessons available to everyone at a low price.

Thank you for your understanding and your support. would not exist (be here; be alive) without your generous help.

~ Jeff McQuillan + Lucy Tse


(1) If you are a Basic or Premium Member, you should have received an email from us already explaining our changes, with alimited time special offer that will give you a low price on our new Select English Membership. If you did not get that email, please email us at
(2) We will not be using our iTunes or podcast feed for the audio files for Basic and Premium Memberships. We will still have sample lessons on our iTunes podcast, however.
(3) The new Select English Membership gives you the most for your money, but you can also buy lessons without becoming a member – see our English Collections option.

Common Questions and Answers

Common Questions + Answers

  • English
  • Español
  • Português
  • Français
  • Italiano
  • Deutsch
  • Русский язык
  • 日本語
  • 한국어
  • 中文(繁體)
  • 中文(简体)

GENERAL uses a very different approach from that of other courses or websites. Our method is based on the fact – supported by more than 40 years of scientific research – that the fastest way to improve your English is to listen to conversations and discussions you canunderstand.

Many people try to improve their English by listening or reading things in English that are too difficult. They understand only 40-50%, which means they are wasting half of their time!

Our English lessons are provided at a slower speed and include useful everyday phrases and expressions. We explain in detail and with examples what these expressions mean and how to use them in a simple and clear way. This research-based approach is the best way to improve your English quickly so you can speak it easily and confidently. was developed by a team of experienced English language learning professors with over 30 years of high school, adult, and university ESL teaching experience.'s founders, Dr. Jeff McQuillan and Dr. Lucy Tse, are recognized experts in the field of language learning. They have published research-based books used as textbooks in university courses as well as dozens of scientific research articles in linguistics and language learning, and have appeared as experts in the media, includingCNN, Los Angeles Times, andSan Francisco Chronicle, among many others.

Yes! lessons are for intermediate and advanced English learners. Our lessons are not "leveled" or in order of difficulty, but are appropriate for all intermediate and advanced speakers of English.

You can listen to our dialogues at both a "learning speed" (a little slower and clearer than regular speech) and a "normal speed" (the way Americans naturally speak). You'll hear a clear and detailed explanation of the difficult and key terms. You will also have a complete transcript of every word spoken in each lesson, so you can follow along as you listen or find the words you aren't sure about or simply want to see in writing.

If you're not sure if lessons are for you, listen to free sample lessons here.

Of course! Just click here to get a free lesson.

We have two kinds of lessons:

1) Daily English – dialogues and stories using conversational American English with detailed explanations of how to use each of the key expressions and idioms. These lessons are 15-20 minutes each.

Topics include: About You, Business, Clothing/Grooming, Daily Life, Education, Entertainment/Sports, Food/Drink, Government/Law, Health/Medicine, Home/Community, Money, Nature/Weather, Relationships/Family, Shopping, Technology, Transportation, and Travel.

2) Cultural English – contains information to help you understand the United States and American culture. Learn English as you learn about the United States. These lessons are 25-30 minutes each.

Topics include: Classic Movies/TV Shows, Cities and Landmarks, Presidents, Authors, Scientists, Famous Songs and Singers, and much more

"Daily English" lessons include a 20-minute audio file plus a Learning Guide, and take approximately 60 minutes each to complete.

"Cultural English" lessons have a 30-minute audio file plus Learning Guide, and take about 75 minutes to complete.

All of our lessons are produced in American English and the "Cultural English" topics focus on the United States and its people, past and present.


Select Englishis a membership that renews automatically each month. You can choose from 1800+ "Daily English" and "Cultural English" lessons each month. You decide which lessons are best for you. You get 15 lessons a month for $15.00. You download the MP3 and PDF lessons onto your computer so you can listen to and read them on any device, anywhere. Learn more here.

English Collections allows you to download only those sets of lessons you choose. You can purchase a set of "Daily English" lessons in groups of 50 or a set of "Cultural English" lessons in groups of 30. You can download the MP3 and PDF lessons onto your computer so you can listen to and read on any device, anywhere. Learn more about English Collections.

Each Select English lesson has an audio (MP3) file and a complete 8-10 page Learning Guide (PDF).

The Learning Guide includes:

  • a complete transcript of everything we say in the audio file
  • tips on how to use the new expressions
  • cultural information
  • a glossary with definitions of the key expressions
  • new sample sentences to show you how to use the new terms in the right way

You can download all of our audio files (MP3) and Learning Guides (PDF) to keep and use on mobile devices and desktop computers.

Take a look at our free sample lessons to see exactly what you get with each lesson.

For each 30 days of your membership, you get a credit for 15 lessons. You can select and download your 15 lessons from any of our 1800+ Select English lessons (Daily English and Cultural English).

Remember that your 15 credits expire (end) in 30 days, so be sure to select and download your lessons each month. You can only use your 15 credits for the 1800+ Select English lessons, not for our English Collections or Special Courses.

To see how to select your lessons and download them, watch our video.

All of our files for Special English Membership, English Collections, and Special Courses are MP3 and PDF files that you can download and use wherever you'd like.

We offer the option to download our files in compressed "ZIP" format and individually.

ZIP files normally need to be downloaded on a laptop or desktop computer and then "unzipped" to use the files. After you download them onto your computer, you can then transfer them to your listening device, just like you would any other audio files you want to put on your phone, tablet, or MP3 player.

Individual MP3 files cannot normally be downloaded directly from our website to your phone, tablet, or MP3 player. Most likely, you will need a computer to download them and then transfer the files to your device.

We recommend you use either a computer or tablet to read the PDF Learning Guide, since PDF files are more difficult to read on a smartphone.

For information on how to transfer your files to your phone or tablet, see here:

For Apple iPhone and iPad

Apple provides multilingual instructions on how to move files to an iOS device. Please use one of the links below, and note that you can see the instructions in another language by clicking on the Languages dropdown in the upper right-hand corner.



For Android Phones and Tablets

Google Play Music app offers similar information with links for both Mac and Windows. You can see the instructions in another language by selecting a language from the dropdown menu at the bottom of the page.

All of our lessons for Select English Membership, English Collections, and our Special Courses consist of MP3 and PDF files. Our Learn English TV lessons are streaming videos (Internet connection required).

Once downloaded, you can listen to the audio (MP3) lessons using any computer, tablet, smartphone, or music player that plays MP3 files.

Once downloaded, Learning Guides (PDF) can be read on any computer, tablet, or smartphone that displays PDF files.

It's easy! Log in and go to the "My Account" page, click on the "My Membership" tab, and then click "View" next to your subscription. Then you will see the Cancel button for your subscription. You can cancel anytime.

Remember that you must download all of your files before your membership expires! You have 30 days to download your files. Please keep them in a safe place as it is not possible to download them after 30 days.

No. Our files cannot be downloaded directly from a podcast app. You will need to download them to your computer and then transfer them to your device.

You may cancel anytime and you will not be charged again for the next month (30 days). However, you will not receive a partial refund for the remainder of the current 30 days on your membership.

You have 30 days after purchase to download your files. Please download them and keep them in a safe place, as we cannot give access to files after the 30-day period.

Yes! You can be a Select English member and buy sets of English Collection lessons. Choose one or both options – whichever is most convenient for you.


Apple Podcasts is a membership that renews automatically each month. You get 12 audio lessons a month for $14.99/month, including both "Daily English" and "Cultural English" lessons. You download the podcasts using the Apple Podcasts app onto your Mac computer, iPad, or iPhone. (Please note that this subscription does not include the written Learning Guide for each lesson.)

English Collections allows you to download only those sets of lessons you choose. You can purchase a set of "Daily English" lessons in groups of 50 or a set of "Cultural English" lessons in groups of 30. You can download the MP3 and PDF lessons onto your computer so you can listen to and read on any device, anywhere. Learn more about English Collections.

Each English Collection set comes with either 50 Daily English OR 30 Cultural English lessons.

Each lesson has an audio (MP3) file and a complete 8-10 page Learning Guide (PDF).

The Learning Guide includes:

  • a complete transcript of everything we say in the audio file
  • tips on how to use the new expressions
  • cultural information
  • a glossary with definitions of the key expressions
  • new sample sentences to show you how to use the new terms in the right way

You can download all of our audio files (MP3) and Learning Guides (PDF) to keep and use on mobile devices and desktop computers.

The title of each lesson is listed to help you decide which sets of lessons to select.

"Daily English" lessons are sold in packages of 50. Lessons are sold in numerical order (that is, Lessons 1-50, Lessons 51-100, Lessons 101-150, etc.).

"Cultural English" lessons are sold in packages of 30, and are also sold in numerical order (that is, Lessons 1-30, Lessons 31-60, Lessons 61-90, etc.).

At this time, it is not possible to select individual lessons for your package or select individual lessons to purchase.

All of our files for Special English Membership, English Collections, and Special Courses are MP3 and PDF files that you can download and use wherever you'd like.

We offer the option to download our files in compressed "ZIP" format and individually.

ZIP files normally need to be downloaded on a laptop or desktop computer and then "unzipped" to use the files. After you download them onto your computer, you can then transfer them to your listening device, just like you would any other audio files you want to put on your phone, tablet, or MP3 player.

Individual MP3 files cannot normally be downloaded directly from our website to your phone, tablet, or MP3 player. Most likely, you will need a computer to download them and then transfer the files to your device.

We recommend you use either a computer or tablet to read the PDF Learning Guide, since PDF files are more difficult to read on a smartphone.

For information on how to transfer your files to your phone or tablet, see here:

For Apple iPhone and iPad

Apple provides multilingual instructions on how to move files to an iOS device. Please use one of the links below, and note that you can see the instructions in another language by clicking on the Languages dropdown in the upper right-hand corner.



For Android Phones and Tablets

Google Play Music app offers similar information with links for both Mac and Windows. You can see the instructions in another language by selecting a language from the dropdown menu at the bottom of the page.

All of our lessons for Select English Membership, English Collections, and our Special Courses consist of MP3 and PDF files. Our Learn English TV lessons are streaming videos (Internet connection required).

Once downloaded, you can listen to the audio (MP3) lessons using any computer, tablet, smartphone, or music player that plays MP3 files.

Once downloaded, Learning Guides (PDF) can be read on any computer, tablet, or smartphone that displays PDF files.

English Collection sets or packages contain a mix of useful English in several topics:

  • About You
  • Business
  • Clothing/Grooming
  • Daily Life
  • Education
  • Entertainment/Sports
  • Food/Drink
  • Government/Law
  • Health/Medicine
  • Home/Community
  • Money
  • Nature/Weather
  • Relationships/Family
  • Shopping, Technology
  • Transportation
  • Travel

If you want to select only certain topics, we suggest you sign up for our Select English Membership, which allows you to choose individual lessons in our Lesson Library.

No, at this time, it is not possible to select individual lessons for your sets or select individual lessons to purchase.

The title of each lesson is listed in the English Collections packages to help you decide which package of lessons to select.

You have 30 days after purchase to download your files. Please download them and keep them in a safe place, as we cannot give access to files after the 30-day period.

After you purchase an English Collections set, you have 30 days to download the MP3 audio and PDF Learning Guide files. After that time, you will not be able to download your files from our website without buying the English Collections set again.

Please remember to download your files and keep them in a safe place. We are not able to give you access to your lessons after the 30-day period.

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